2). Do Your Part Worksheets are due.
3). Last chance to donate blankets.
See you all in class.
1). Yes, we have class tonight!
2). Do Your Part Worksheets are due. 3). Last chance to donate blankets. See you all in class. Tuesday, 01/27/15
1). You all know the procedure ... School was closed due to the"Blizzard of 2015", therefore there is NO MARTIAL ARTS CLASS tonight. 2). The Yellow Belt Test which was scheduled for Friday 01/30/15 is being re-scheduled until Mid-February. Exact date to be determined. See you all for regular class on Friday ! 1). White Belt students who are testing tonight :
A. Be at the dojo by 6:45 B. Ready to line up when your name is called by 6:50 C. Testing starts at 6:55 D. Do not be late. You have known about this test for over 2 weeks. 2). All other students will have class as usual 3). Blanket Donation collection continues ... >> Items do not need to be new >> Please, just be clean and not ripped >> Blankets, Comforters, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels >> Thank you to those who have already donated! 1). Class on Friday 01/16/15 is CLOSED due to a Conackamack "Last Minute"
Gym activity. 2). Any Current White Belt rank student who has not yet registered for the test must register by Tuesday 01/20/15. 3). Current White Belt Rank Testing is RESCHEDULED for Friday 01/23/15. 4). Blanket Collection Drive : Thru January 30, 2015 >> Blankets, Comforters, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels >> Items DO NOT need to be new >> Only requirement is that items are CLEAN and NOT RIPPED >> Great opportunity to clear out stuff from the linen closet ! 1). Accepting New Students through next Friday January 16, 2015.
2). Current White Belt Students : if you have been Focused, Giving 100% Effort, Confident in your current skills, and Determined to learn more ... Testing for your next rank is the next step. Test on Friday January 16, 2015. Sign-up forms will be available in class tonight. 3). The "Do Your Part" Worksheet is a requirement for every student at PMA. Print this NEW 2015 Worksheet for use starting January 2015. Click HERE to print. 4). Blanket Drive Going on now! If you have blankets, comforters & sheets which are taking up space in your closet, but no longer use, bring it in and donate it. Please bring any donations using a plastic or paper bag. Thank you. 1). Open Enrollment for New Students : January 1 to 16, 2015
> Current students, bring a friend (or 2) and introduce them to Martial Arts 2). "Give Back" Initiative for January 2015 : January 1 to 30, 2015 > Blanket Drive; Old Blankets, Comforters, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels > Need to clear space in your closet? Here's the chance! If you have any of the items listed, bring them in and donate them ! > The homeless shelters are in need of all these items. 3). White Belt Test > All current White Belt Students > Friday, January 16, 2015 6:45 to 8:15 PM 4). Yellow Belt Test > All current Yellow Belt Students > Friday, January 30, 2015 6:45 to 8:15 PM |
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