If you would like to purchase a uniform for your child, please print the Uniform Order Form, and bring the form to class. Submit the form along with your cash-only payment to an instructor.
Please note the following:
Please note the following:
- It takes about 2 weeks from the date of order for the uniform to be ready
- Uniforms are delivered during class at the dojo
- Only students wearing a full PMA uniform are permitted to test for rank
- Uniforms from other martial arts schools should not be worn at PMA
Training Equipment and Pads
It is necessary for students to have and use safety equipment in order to participate in light to medium contact sparring. Sparring is introduced to higher rank students and usually occurs during the 8:15 to 9:00 class on Tuesdays and Fridays. Print the Equipment Order Form to view recommended sparring equipment and prices.
All students should have their own gear bag for their equipment. Be sure to mark your equipment with your name or initials so that you can readily identify it.
All students should have their own gear bag for their equipment. Be sure to mark your equipment with your name or initials so that you can readily identify it.